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Monday, July 11, 2011

My Angel

I truly believe the Lord knows we need guidance, so he sends us angels.  My sweet mother is mine. 

Tomorrow marks the 26th year of her passing, although her passing is really alive in my life everyday.  I only got to share three years on earth with her--she passed when I was three, due to complications of epilepsy.  I enjoyed hearing stories about her, with personal favorites recanting her laughter, dedication to people, and her sincere love for her family.  I learned a few things about my mother just by her earthly treasures of mine, her thriftiness (amazing how much things cost back in the eighties), her deep empathy and compassion for people (journaled a story about me falling off the porch when I was a baby and hitting my head) and her laid back personality.  She never met a stranger, and was always eager to flash a smile. 

Although I never really got to have my mother in my life physically, she was always at my events.  On my wedding day, Derrick went to her grave (we married at Bethesda Cumberland Presbyterian Church where she was buried) and placed a flower and a thank you card on her grave after talking to her.  She gave us her blessing by showering a small rainfall. 

She became a Nana on April 11, 2003, and then two more times blessing her with three beautiful grandchildren.  I know she would have been so proud of her grandchildren.  Emily was named "Rose" after her. 

She was also at my high school and college graduations, and is with us always.  I truly hope I'm half the mother she was to me.  She never left my side, nor my heart.

Thank you, Mother, for giving me life, and for blessing me, protecting me, and loving me always.  I will never forget you, and hope to see you one day in Heaven. 

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